
Monday, December 13, 2021


On Friday we had Rumbustification day. My favourite part was the big superhero bouncy castle. Addie and I lined up for what felt ages in a long line so we could go on it. When we got to the front we went on the bouncy castle. The bouncy castle had a slide, a basket ball hoop, some pole things you can punch or jump on and a fence thing you jump through & on. 

My other favourite activity was the crazy bikes. This is a thing where there is a bunch of weird and wonderful bikes in the middle of a field then you go on them and bike in a circle around the bikes in the middle. It is kind of like a highway but with bikes. My favourite bike was one that had a bike with a seat attached in front of it. I sat on a seat and Addie biked me around. 

Overall the day was super awesome apart from the fact that it was raining!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Art - Belonging


This is my art. It shows belonging because it's the songs our parents used to listen to.