
Thursday, November 14, 2019

The brilliant beach

            By Ava 
The Brilliant Beach
At the beach the sun glistens and glows, 
It makes the sand hot and dry. The waves are crashing on the shore, I race into the water. It feels so relaxing and peaceful as I float on my back,I love the sea! I swim to the shore then walk back to my black spotted towel, The sand is so hot,
 as I walk I can smell wet dogs and seaweed.

I can hear little kids screaming  seagulls squawking. I lie down on my towel to dry off in the boiling hot sun!


A friend

A friend is yellow
She is the spring
A beautiful flowery meadow
She is the sun shining on your face
 She is your shoes
A big comfy chair
She is F.r.i.e.n.d.s on the T.V
A friend is a hot chocolate on a stormy day.

Image result for friendsImage result for Meadow

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Acrostic Poem For National Kindness Day

Kind and caring
I will help someone
No excuses
Do some jobs for a parent or teacher
Share your things