
Thursday, October 21, 2021



I showed I was engaged in all of the activities, especially in orienteering. In orienteering I was very engaged in finding the numbers/symbols since they were hidden and hard to find sometimes. I worked hard on looking all around and concentrating so we could try win. We did win.


I showed I was resourceful during cleaning. Addie, Alexa, Jayden and I worked very hard on making sure the bathrooms and cabins were clean. We cleaned the boys, girls and the two disabled toilets. We swept and mopped six cabins. I think that we were very helpful by doing that.


I showed I was imaginative in fire and shelter building. We did this by being creative, thinking about what we could make our fire and shelters of and how we could make them.


My group helped me in all of the activities. They helped in high ropes by holding me up so I didn't fall and die. They also helped in activities such as orienteering and search & rescue by us all working together to find the clues. In raft building they helped build the raft so that It wouldn't fall apart. My cabin group was also good at helping each other out during the day and night and making sure no one felt left out or scared.


In science Addie and I are working on a spaceship design. We have designed it to look good but we will need to figure out some scientific stuff to add and work into it. We have to research about how we are going to fit all the luggage/building supplies and how much we will be able to bring due to the weight. 

Here is what our space ship looks like a the moment....

You can see at the top is the seats and all for travelling. In front of that is where the pilot sits and drives the spaceship. Below the seats for travelling is the rooms and stairs up to the top. Next to that, at the front of the spaceship, is where the control centre is.