
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Bok Choy - Personal Response

                                                                    Personal Response

Bok Choy - Paul Mason

This book is called Bok Choy and is written by Paul Mason. It is called Bok Choy because at the start of the book Ah Sum brought Jacob’s mother some Bok Choy, Mrs Bishop (the neighbor) was very racist about it, Jacob wasn’t too sure about it either. Later on in the story something happened to Jacob but he got saved by Ah Sum and after that act of kindness he became a lot more positive and wasn’t so mean anymore. So basically the story is kind of based around Bok Choy.

So as a said the story started off with Ah Sum delivering vegetables to Jacob’s mum who was a regular buyer and always bought some vegetables. This particular time she had bought some Bok Choy, their neighbor Mrs Bishop yelled over the fence “I don’t know how can you eat that muck” which Jacob’s mum replied “It’s called Bok Choy”. Jacob was rude about the Bok Choy at the start too, he said “I hate those Chinese cabbages too”. Jacob had a sudden urge to go fishing, he fell in the river and was rushing down the river, swirling and tugging, he tried to get to the rocks but he went too fast and slammed against them. Jacob woke up in a dark hut with Ah Sum near, Jacob’s mother soon came to bring him home. When Jacob’s mother arrived she asked Ah Sum if there was anything she could do for him but he refused. When Jacob and his mother arrived home Mrs Bishop was there making more rude racist comments against Ah Sum.

Jacob’s mother was a very kind and accepting lady, she never said a bad word about anyone, she is always so thankful and positive. We can tell by the way she says stuff “It’s called Bok Choy.” And she didn’t want to be in the act of the racism that Mrs Bishop was saying towards Ah Sum. Jacob was not a very nice person but when he got saved he changed his mindset, in the beginning he said “I hate those Chinese cabbages, too,” rudely, showing that he was a bit racist to Chinese too, but near the end he said “Ah Sum saved me” thankfully. You can tell that he changes what he thinks about Chinese people once he notices how kind Ah Sum had been to him and how he could have died without him. Mrs Bishop was a racist, obnoxious lady, she said stuff like “I don’t know how you can eat that muck”, “you’ll be wanting to watch that. The Chinaman will be after something” and many more hateful words about Ah Sum. Ah Sum was such a happy, kind man, he would do anything for someone, he was so nice about everyone and he wouldn’t do anything to put anyone in harm. He saved Jacob after he had fallen in the river and bashed into the rocks, he could have died and Ah Sum was kind enough to save him and then didn’t ask for anything in return, in fact he refused. He just did it as a genuine person should.

This piece of writing is trying to show us what racism is and how racist people can be toward Chinese people, like Chinese stereotypes etc. Mrs Bishop is a great example of a racist person, with her very rude comments about Ah Sum and all Chinese people. Jacob was rude about the Bok Choy at the start of the story but at the end, after getting to know Ah Sum, he realised how he is just human like him, Ah Sum was so kind to everyone. Jacob was judgeful at the start but over time he realised not to judge Ah Sum and other Chinese, it’s like the quote “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, Jacob judged him and Bok Choy because they were Chinese but once he got to know how caring Ah Sum was he wasn’t judgeful anymore. 

Overall, I think this story had a great point, you have to get to know someone before judging them, don’t judge anyone because of their race, it doesn't define them as a person, there shouldn’t be stereotypes because everyone is different. I think this message from the author definitely got to the readers. 

Car Graphs


This is a graph of cars and what colours they are. We have been learning about graphs and what things we need to add to graphs to make them so you understand what the graph is representing. People have been going around asking things like "how many pets do you have" or just making fake ones like I have. I learnt about the axis labels, there is a y axis and a x axis, the y axis is the is the vertical side and the x axis is the horizontal side, we need the axis labels so people understand what you are counting. We need a title so people know what it's about.  

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


On Monday our class, and others, went to town. When we arrived in town the year 8s went to Victoria Square, we had sheets with 10 things we had to write and/or draw. I learned what Weeping Willows were, who named them and who they came from, they came from the french. 

After that we walked around to the Town Hall to watch a performance. The performance was about Takaroa, Papatuanuku and Rakinui. I learned that in the north island they know Rakinui as Ranginui. Rakinui and Papatuanuku got stuck together and there children had to push them apart.

Thursday, March 25, 2021


In dance we have been learning the electric slide, the steps are grapevine to the right then to the left, step back 3 steps, forwards one, backwards one, then forward at scuff to the left and repeat.

We have gotten much better but we still have to get more in time.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

New Math

Median = The middle number, eg 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, the median would be 5 because it in the number in the middle.

Mode = Most common number, eg 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, the mode would be 6 because there is more 6's than any other number.

Practice Scetch


Today In art I finished my abstract face, I forgot  to draw a neck so in the real copy I will add that. 

Friday, March 19, 2021

Why Do Different Animals Migrate?


Test Scores Graph

Making Graphs 

This week in math we have been learning how to make graphs, this is one about my test scores throughout this week.