
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Why Should Kids Have To Wear School Uniform?


Do you think kids should have to wear school uniforms?

I think they should and here’s why…

Some families don’t have much money and some kids these days are very judgeful, imagine kids showing up to school and they don’t have all the popular clothes or brands. They would get bullied for not having the stuff people with families that have slightly more money than them, kids at school can be very harsh, they don’t realize how bad words can affect you. These kids with less money might not want to come to school anymore, this could lead to not much education which i’m sure schools won’t want to happen.

But uniform costs can also be a struggle for some people so a solution for this would be to make uniforms a lot more affordable, because think about it, isn't the one of the points of uniform is that kids won’t feel insecure in the clothes they can afford etc. All schools should bring down the prices of their uniforms to help lots of families out!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Fitness Goals

My fitness goals for this year are to get faster, to be able to run further without getting as puffed, to get into a good netball team for winter sports and getting better at netball.

100 Multiplication

Today in math we got given a sheet with 100 times table questions that we had to try and complete in 10 minutes, I got 98/100 questions correct and it took me 4:36 minutes. Next week I am going to do division.

Math Multiplication Vocablary



Today in fitness we started off with a warm up run around the bike track then we got into four teams, we had a dodge ball and there was cones set up in a line, we had to run zig-zag around them and back. The second activity we did was like that one but the cones were moved in a bigger zig-zag pattern instead of a straight line, we had to run around them and back holing the ball again, this one was confusing because it was hard to know which cones were our teams. After that we did the tire tugging thing again and our team one like yesterday. 

Confident Course

Yesterday we did the confident course, the confident course is going on the playground like an obstacle course, we usually do it holding a tire and on some stuff we would have to hold it with our feet, but it's the first time we did it this year so Nogo made it easy for us. We learnt that the most efficient way to get over the net wall was to volt over it.


Yesterday in fitness we started off in groups of five, the first activity was running to the cone and back and then the next person did the same until everyone was done, we then had to sit in a straight line with our hands on our heads. After that We did the same thing but when we got to the cone we had to do 20 star jumps, on our third activity we had to run into the middle and do paper scissors, the winner kept on running through and the loser went back where they came from. The forth activity we got in to 2 even teams and we all got a number given to us, there was a tire in the middle and when our number got called we had to run and fight over it, sometimes you would drag people all the way back to your team. It was really fun and we all really enjoyed it.

Friday, February 19, 2021

I Remember


I remember a dream I had when I was younger, I was flying above the clouds in an old green plane, it had the numbers 39 written on it. My dog was on the plane too, we were both wearing red goggles. I remember the dream so clearly, it started off with me waking up on the plane, I looked terrified and confused about how I got there in the first place. Although my dog was there I felt alone, I missed my parents. After what felt like hours of flying we flew through the clouds and landed down on a stunning island with a beautiful sunset. The island looked like some sort of fairy princess village with palaces all around, there were so many colours and sparkles. The people in the village were so kind and friendly, one of the villagers realized we looked lost or out of place, she knew we weren’t from the village. She took us into her shop, and as soon as I entered I couldn't believe my eyes, there was so many clothes and accessories, all the clothes I could imagine were somewhere in that shop. The lady said she would make us outfits so we would fit in, the outfit she made me was a little red poofy dress with sparkly shoes and a pearl necklace, it was all I could dream of at that age. We left the shop blending in with the crowd when a massive spaceship fell from the sky, almost squashing everyone from below. I went over to look in the spaceship, everyone one screaming at me not to go near but when I got close enough I could see there was some sort of creature inside, I opened up the door and the creature said to me “get inside now, these people are not how they seem, they’re dangerous” without any thought I pulled my dog in and we flew away but something didn’t feel right, I looked out the window and there they were all the villagers flying right behind us, chasing us. That’s when I woke up from my dream, ever since then I’ve wondered what would have happened if I didn’t wake up then or if I didn’t get on that spaceship.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Personal details:

Ava Lenxberry

Address: 43 Epic Drive,


Christchurch, 8021

New Zealand

Phone: 021 069 1984


Personal Statement:

I would like this job because I love baking. I've been baking since I was young and i’ve always enjoyed it.

I can problem solve and work under pressure if anything goes wrong. I am very creative and I love

designing things, as I will on the cakes etc. I would be so grateful if I got this job, I might even make you a



New Brighton Catholic School,

Yr 1 - Yr 4

Rawhiti School,

Yr 5 - present/Yr 8


Choice and Challenge 


  • Works well under pressure

  • Friendly

  • Outgoing

  • Very social

  • Energetic

  • Problem solving

  • Teamwork

  • Leadership

  • Creative

  • Persevering

  • Confidence

  • Communication 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021



Everything in my life was changing, everyone who cared about me seemed to be disappearing, like they never existed in the first place. I felt alone, like I was falling apart. Sometimes I used to wish I could disappear but now I wish I could be found. Is this all in my head? Is it all just a dream? It’s as if I'm just walking away from reality, from everyone and now they will never remember me again, or at least the way I used to be. What if i'm just imagining it all and none of this is even happening, if I am, I want to go back, go back to reality, to my real life, it's good there.

Friday, February 12, 2021

First Day Back

On February the third we started back at school, it was a pretty strange day but it was quite fun. We did lots of games and no work. 

We had to hold hands in circles and run around in clockwise, this helped people feel more confident and comfortable but it was a really strange exercise and was definitely out of a lot of peoples comfort zone.  

We got a sheet that had things written down like fruit, vegetables, countries, furniture, etc, one of our teachers, Sharon, gave us a letter and we had to write down as many things written on the sheet that started with that letter, I did that with Addie first and then with Addie, Rhycos and Logan.

After that the whole class had to line up in birthday order, all of the months were in the right order and majority of the month dates were in the right order. 

We all sung 'Old McDonald Had A Farm' with lots of different animals, it was really fun and by the end most people didn't care what other people thought.

That's not all we did but it pretty much sums up the day.


Most mornings my class does Zumba with one of our teachers, Nogo.  He looks them up on youtube for us to copy, our usual's are the Minion Dance, I Like To Move It and the Cha Cha Slide but sometimes we will do Just Dance or something else. Majority of the class dance to it confidently to the video not thinking about what everyone else thinks, one of Nogo's famous quotes is "if you think everyone is watching you, who's watching everyone else" I think Tangaroa tries to live by that. I think most of the class really enjoys it and it hypes us all up so we leave the class with lots of energy.